Workshop Conveners: Sarah Earnshaw and Samantha Maurer Fox
This workshop is a collaboration of the Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington and the Zolberg Institute on Migration and Mobility at the New School for Social Research.
Editor: Heike Friedman
Pacific Regional Office of the German Historical Institute Washington
202 Moses Hall
University of California
Berkeley, CA 94720-2316
Phone: +1 510 643 4558
Header Image: Gulf of Mexico, Florida, USA: A serene gradient from red to smoky blue-gray seems to mask a chaotic scene underneath, expressing a wide range of emotion. Looking like a NASA closeup of Jupiter, this image reveals sediment in the Gulf of Mexico off the Louisiana coast.
Schedule Image: Milford Lake, Kansas, USA: Algal blooms occur annually on Milford Lake in the summer and can be harmful to fragile wetland ecosystems. The USGS Kansas Water Science Center uses multispectral sensors on board drones to identify harmful algal blooms and study how they affect local businesses and human and animal health.
Participants Image: Kenya: The deep purple in the lower right spreads out into a few channels before fading into a multitude of colors. These channels are remnants of an ancient drainage network in Kenya. The beauty of the colors actually hides a stark reality for hundreds of thousands of people. The dark spots at the top center of the image are refugee camps.
Panels Image: Rocky Mountains: Wetlands have a unique beauty when viewed from above. This natural color drone image shows the intricate interactions of forest and surface water in this high-altitude wetland called a fen in the Rocky Mountains of Colorado. Wetlands enhance water quality and provide habitats for diverse plant and animal species. Drones help with mapping fens for conservation and restoration studies.
Papers Image: Comb Ridge, Utah, USA: What looks like lightning arcing through an ominous cloud is actually a dry landscape of rocky buttes in southern Utah and northeastern Arizona. River channels flow north from Arizona into the San Juan River. The light vertical feature at the top of the image is referred to as Comb Ridge, a jagged fold in the Earth’s crust called a monocline.
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